L'identico e il differente

Curated by Bettina Della Casa

At borgovico 33, Daniela De Lorenzo is presenting a white felt sculpture, some photographic works and a sound installation.
Approximately 8 metres tall, the sculpture develops vertically and dominates the main church space; on the wall is a photographic self-portrait of the artist entitled Lei (160 x 130 cm). The adjacent space contains another series of self-portraits entitled Ritrarsi, consisting in 4 works (130 x 80 cm each). These enter into dialogue with each other, united by a sound installation Ð a sort of "background" that envelops the entire church space.
The works were specially conceived for borgovico 33 and denote perfect examples of Daniela De Lorenzo's artistic dimension. Her research develops in two complementary orbits - sculpture and photography. The Tuscan artist works on the outer limits of both, visiting unusual spaces. The sculptures in felt -a recurrent cipher in her production- are set within a "doing-undoing" antithesis.
The photographs, taken using a delayed action shutter release, come instead within in an exchange of "self presentation-portrayal". Unrepresentable subjects, ambiguous figures and mysterious identities constitute the central themes in her poetics.

The white and coloured felt sculptures are suspended or placed on the wall like "uninhabited garments"; the forms are created via a complex play of stitching and folding; Daniela De Lorenzo uses curved lines and folds as linguistic aids. The felt comes to life with the volume and sculptural quality emerging in the play of folds; there is no compositional insistence, but focus on the principle of "shaping", with the material adopting a form according to its own undefined variations. Folds become the code of expression that creates an intimate universe, an inner "reflection".

The photographs -equally central to De Lorenzo's research- were taken by the artist herself, using an open diaphragm and long exposure times. The oscillating and repeated movements of the subject (often the artist herself) create a blurred movement in which the figure tends to disappear, with emphasis on the minute shifts that define the image.
The fuzzy image discounts the traditional use of the photograph as a means of recording a specific event in a dimension of space and time and creates an image that the direct gaze will never see as definitive.

Daniela De Lorenzo was born in 1959 in Florence, where she lives and works.

One-woman and main collective exhibitions:
















One-woman exhibitions
Galleria Matteo Remolino, Turin
Galleria Carini, Florence
Galleria Paolo Vitolo, Rome
Galleria Matteo Remolino, Turin
Biffures, Galleria Bagnai, Siena (with Eulalia Valdossera)
Galleria Marsilio Margiacchi, Arezzo
Galleria la Nuova Pesa, Roma (with Antonio Catelani)
Viceversa, Santa Maria della Scala, Siena
Indizio, Galleria Biagiotti, Florence
Il terzo luogo, Galleria Gianluca Collica, Catania
Galleria E/Static, Turin (with Addo Lodovico Trinci)
Galleria Antonella Nicola, Turin (with Thomas Eller)
Giocoforza, Galleria la Nuova Pesa, Rome
Harmonica, Galleria Antonella Nicola, Turin
Mormorio, Verein allerArt, Bludenz
L'identico e il differente, Borgovico 33, Como

Collective exhibitions
Nuova arte italiana, Galleria Marconi, Milan,
      curated by M.Luisa Frisa
Aperto 88, XLIII Biennale di Venezia, Venice
Nuove acquisizioni, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Bologna
Una scena emergente, Museo Luigi Pecci, Prato
      curated by Amnon Barzel and Elio Grazioli
Kunst Europa, Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel
Trigon 91, Neue Galerie, Graz
La scena, Museum Moderner Kunst, Vienna
Korrespondenzen, Galerie im Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin
      curated by Giorgio Maragliano
Dono, Galleria Schema, Firenze
      curated by Pierluigi Tazzi e Antonio Catelani
Turbare il tempo, Museo Archeologico, Firenze
      curated by Saretto Cincinelli
Una visione italiana, Galleria Valentina Moncada, Roma
Immagini italiane, Medienmeile am Hafen, Dusseldorf,
      curated by L. Pratesi
Ultime generazioni, XII Quadriennale Nazionale d'Arte, Rome
Un modo sottile, Centro le Barche, Mestre,
      curated by Riccardo Caldura
Due o tre cose che so di loro,
      Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea, Milan
      curated by M. Meneguzzo
Trend zum leisen, Holzpavillon im Mirabellgarten, Salzburg,
      curated by di R. Caldura
Out of the wood, Sala congressi, Casole d'Elsa,
      curated by Claudia Zanfi
Finale di partita Endgame Fin de parti,
      Istituto Francese, Florence,
      curated by Pierluigi Tazzi.
Primo piano, Su la testa, Palazzo delle Papesse,
      Centro d'arte contemporanea, Siena,
      curated by S. Risaliti
Boom!, Manifattura tabacchi, Florence
      curated by di S. Risaliti
Continuità 1968-1989, Palazzo Fabroni , Pistoia,
      curated byi Daniel Soutif
Continuità 1990-2000, Museo Luigi Pecci, Prato,
      curated by Jean Christophe Ammann
Vis à vis, Man, Museo d'Arte Nuoro,
      curated by Saretto Cincinelli
Dialoghi Europei, Castel dell'Ovo, Naples,
      curated by Amnon Barzel
Nel colore, Galleria Contra, Koper

For the exhibition, borgovico 33 is publishing a catalogue
with an essay by Bettina Della Casa.

12 July - 28 September
August closed

Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
     5 - 8 pm
     or by appointment

Saturday, 12 July
     6 pm